Yo, Man! Keepin' it real modafackas! We have a new post on USA Wednesday Comics. As every wednesday let's try to dive into the vast production of the american publishers.
We start with DC which is trying to go back to better times with new 100 Bullets issues, I am still reading the old ones so I am going to get over this mini series by Brian Azzarello y Eduardo Risso, if you are a fan, you know what to do. The rest of titles... Anything of real interest, the same series of all the months so check whatever you are still reading. I will get for sure that Batman and Batgirl issue. I love Peter Tomasi work although it is not great , it is pretty good.
In Marvel's territory Age of Ultron comes to an end, though it was leaked yesterday and I have read it yet. One of the worst events so far, however the last issue was an improvement in the narration could be found the story keeps being uninsteresting. Enjoy it if you can!
More things, a week with Avengers + New Avengers is always great, a must. I wrote about them in CabezasCortadas.com (in Spanish) here. Also, you must not miss the farewell of Peter David in X-Factor as in september the series will end. We will miss you PAD!
And we close with Image with the recomendation of Miniature Jesus a quite surprising comic which hit me a few weeks ago, take a look to the previous issues!!
Few things this week, the effect of summer I guess. Well, as you already know: Pick Whatever you want!*
100 Bullets Brother Lono #1 (Of 8) [+]
Animal Man #21 [+]
Batman And Batgirl #21 [+]
Batwoman #21 [+]
Birds Of Prey #21 [+]
Fables #130 [+]
Green Lantern New Guardians #21 [+]
Justice League Of America's Vibe #5 [+]
Legion Of Super-Heroes #21 [+]
Red Hood And The Outlaws #21 [+]
Supergirl #21 [+]
Wonder Woman #21 [+]
A+X #9 [+]
Age Of Ultron #10 (Of 10) [+]
Avengers #14 [+]
Cable And X-Force #10 [+]
Captain Marvel #13 [+]
Fantastic Four #9 [+]
Indestructible Hulk #9 [+]
Morbius The Living Vampire #6 [+]
New Avengers #7 [+]
Superior Spider-Man #12 [+]
Thunderbolts #11 [+]
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #24 [+]
Ultimate Comics The Ultimates #26 [+]
Uncanny Avengers #9 [+]
Wolverine MAX #8 [+]
X-Factor #258 [+]
X-Men Legacy #12 [+]
Invincible #103 [+]
It Girl And The Atomics #11 [+]
Mara #5 (Of 6) [+]
Mind The Gap #11 [+]
Miniature Jesus #3 (Of 5) [+]
Revival #11 [+]
Witchblade #167 [+]
*Los comics están en inglés.
**Los enlaces son enlaces Magnet para torrent. Si tienes un cliente Torrent como bitTorrent, uTorrent o Transmission (entre muchos otros) simplemente clickalos y el programa los abrirá directamente.
*** Los titulos en rojo son aquellos que no he podido encontrar, trataré de encontrar enlaces disponibles lo antes posible. Yo no subo los comics, están en el torrent y son indexados por diversos trackers, yo solo los recopilo.
**** Si te gustan estos cómics, ¡Cómpralos!
***** Agradecer no cuesta nada, pincha en +1, comparte en tu red social favorita o deja un comentario. ¡Gracias!
'La Era de Ultrón' es lo peor que he leído en mucho tiempo. Podría definirse como una mala historia con otra dentro peor aún. Podría rescatarse lo poco bueno que tiene y no daría ni para una historia autoconclusiva de los tiempos de Roger Stern. Fatal.