miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013

USA's Wednesday Comics: 10/07/2013

Better late than never, we are on a rush so, let's start!

DC comics have little to offer to me this week, I will only pick up Astro City #2, I have never read the series before but there is no doubt of the quality of the first issue of the relunch so I continue with it while I catch up with the old issues. Ah! The last issue is a new readers-friendly so do not be afraid and give it a try! And mantaining the position of the most regular series with great peaks of quality. Second issue of Batman Year Zero and it keeps on being a good series. We hope it keeps like that for a loooong time.

Marvel continues its path. You can safely pick Uncanny X-Men the only Bendis series I can stand. Of course Hawkeye and Daredevil continue being awesome. And do not forget the incredible Young Avengers and Superior Spider-man!

Image this weeks adds a its veterans some new series. First Ghosted by Joshua Williamson and Goran Sudzuka is a horror/crime series in which a criminal master mind will be freed of prision to rob... a GHOST from a haunted house! The second one is called Sheltered by Edd Brisson and John Christmas this series takes place in a pre-apocalyptic world in which a community have prepared for any possible end of the world. However when the cause of the end of Earth is brought by their children any weaponary and training seems useless.

And thats all! So far and thanks for all the fish!*

Astro City #2 [+]
Batgirl #22 [+]
Batman #22 [+]
Batman Arkham Unhinged #16 [+]
Batman Li'l Gotham #4 [+]
Demon Knights #22 [+]
Green Lantern Corps #22 [+]
Green Lantern The Animated Series #14 (Final Issue) [+]
Justice League #22 [+]
Katana #6 [+]
Nightwing #22 [+]
Suicide Squad #22 [+]
Superman Unchained #2 [+]
Threshold #7 [+]
Worlds' Finest #14 [+]

Astonishing X-Men #64 [+]
Avengers Arena #12 [+]
Daredevil #28 [+]
Fearless Defenders #6 [+]
Hawkeye #12 [+]
Indestructible Hulk #10 [+]
Marvel's Thor The Dark World Prelude #2 (Of 2) [+]
Secret Avengers #6 [+]
Superior Spider-Man #13 [+]
Ultimate Comics The Ultimates #27 [+]
Uncanny X-Men #8 [+]
Wolverine #6 [+]
Young Avengers #7 [+]

68 Jungle Jim #4 (Of 4) [+]
America's Got Powers #6 (Of 7) [+]
Chew #35 [+]
Darkness #114 [+]
Dawn The Swordmaster's Daughter And Other Stories (One Shot) [+]
East Of West #4 [+]
Ghosted #1 [+]
Great Pacific #8 [+]
Peter Panzerfaust #12 [+]
Savage Dragon #189 [+]
Sheltered #1 [+]
Storm Dogs #6 (Of 6) [+]
Walking Dead #112 [+]

*Los comics están en inglés.
**Los enlaces son enlaces Magnet para torrent. Si tienes un cliente Torrent como bitTorrent, uTorrent o Transmission (entre muchos otros) simplemente clickalos y el programa los abrirá directamente.
*** Los titulos en rojo son aquellos que no he podido encontrar, trataré de encontrar enlaces disponibles lo antes posible. Yo no subo los comics, están en el torrent y son indexados por diversos trackers, yo solo los recopilo.
**** Si te gustan estos cómics, ¡Cómpralos!
***** Agradecer no cuesta nada, pincha en +1, comparte en tu red social favorita o deja un comentario. ¡Gracias!

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