New Comics!
DC comics starts the month approaching to the conclusion of Batman Incorporated (we will miss this series veeeeeery soon). I have the feeling that every series I enjoy ends up cancelled or with a change on its creative team. Dial H will be cancelled not very late, Robinson leaves Earth 2... And the list keeps growing. However, one thing that DC does not get tired of are silly spin offs pre- events, yes I am talking to you Trinity of Sin.
In Marvel we got something that our pockets do not deserve: new series! We got a new Avengers' series, Avengers A.I with Sam Humphries andre Andre Aruajo but be quiet, it is a derivative of the Age of Ultron, nothing coming for that can be good. In this title we will follow the adventures of a group of Avengers travelling in time to try to fix all the problems derivated of the defeat of Ultron.
There is also ANOTHER Deadpool's miniseries, a What if of the AvX event, a Guardians of the Galaxy One Shot and a new Spider-man related series featuring his Superior Foes by Nick Spencer(Morning Glories, Secret Avengers) and Steve Lieber. Pay attention to the fabolous covers of Marcos Martin.
Image keeps its pace and brings a couple of new series: Another Skullkickers' comic book and a brand new Satellite Sam. Satellite Sam by Matt Fraction (CAUTION!) and Howard Chaykin promises us a lot of sex and noir, all starts when the TV star Satellite Sam is found dead in his house, the police thinks that is due to natural causes, his alcoholic sound disagrees. I will read it, and i will tell you, but i do not have much confidence in this series... We will see!!
That is all! Like I always say: Pick Whatever you want!*
Action Comics #22 [+]
Batman Incorporated #12 [+]
Batwing #22 [+]
Detective Comics #22 [+]
Dial H #14 [+]
Earth 2 #14 [+]
Fairest #17 [+]
Green Arrow #22 [+]
Green Lantern #22 [+]
Legends Of The Dark Knight #10 [+]
Movement #3 [+]
Stormwatch #22 [+]
Swamp Thing #22 [+]
Trinity Of Sin Pandora #1 [+]
Trinity Of Sin The Phantom Stranger #10 [+]
Avengers #15 [+]
Avengers A.I. #1 [+]
Daredevil Dark Nights #2 (Of 8) [+]
Deadpool Kills Deadpool #1 (Of 4) [+]
Emerald City Of Oz #1 (Of 5) [+]
Guardians Of The Galaxy Tomorrow's Avengers #1 (One Shot) [+]
Iron Man #12 [+]
Marvel Universe The Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes #16 [+]
Red She-Hulk #67 [+]
Superior Foes Of Spider-Man #1 [+]
Thunderbolts #12 [+]
Venom #37 [+]
What If AvX #1 (Of 4) [+]
X-Men Legacy #13 [+]
Age Of Bronze #33 [+]
Blackacre #8 [+]
Dark Skullkickers Dark #1 [+]
Five Weapons #5 (Of 5) [+]
Invincible Universe #4 [+]
Mice Templar IV Legend #4 [+]
Satellite Sam #1 [+]
Spawn #233 [+]
Ten Grand #3 [+]
Thief Of Thieves #15 [+]
*Los comics están en inglés.
**Los enlaces son enlaces Magnet para torrent. Si tienes un cliente Torrent como bitTorrent, uTorrent o Transmission (entre muchos otros) simplemente clickalos y el programa los abrirá directamente.
*** Los titulos en rojo son aquellos que no he podido encontrar, trataré de encontrar enlaces disponibles lo antes posible. Yo no subo los comics, están en el torrent y son indexados por diversos trackers, yo solo los recopilo.
**** Si te gustan estos cómics, ¡Cómpralos!
***** Agradecer no cuesta nada, pincha en +1, comparte en tu red social favorita o deja un comentario. ¡Gracias!
Jelou! As olgüais, ai am going to giv llu de zanksiu for de comics. Mai ridin list is ful bat AI promis to imprub mai inglis sun :D