miércoles, 24 de julio de 2013

USA's Wednesday Comics:24/07/2013

Hey, guys! As you may noticed last week this section did not come out as usual, this has an explanation, that week I was not able to connect to a computer and do the post as I was enjoying the Festival Internacional de Benicassim, I take for granted that you could get your comics elsewhere, I am sorry but it was an exceptional ocasion. Nevertheless, this week we return to bring you the new issues of your favourite series!

What an extremely tasteless conference did DC at the Comic Con, not a single exciting new for me! This week's new comics i am sorry to say that are as exciting.  Larfleeze ended up being a quite funny comic so I will continue reading it although I do not expect much from it. On the other hand, Batman Superman was quite insipid but we will give it one more try to get us into it.

In Marvel, there is a Hawkeye annual that nobody should not miss, the series was one of the big winners of the Eisner awards completely rightfully. We have a mini series, Hunger which will be the closure of the Age Of Ultron event, my god, please end it NOW, every time there is more series about this shitty event. And another new series, Superior Spider-man Team Up replacing Avenging Spider-man which was the unofficial team up series with Yost at the scripts, it will be entertaining for sure.

Image also have a quiet week (it is summer and the final week of the month, everybody wants to rest) however Bounce and Lazarus are pretty good for an afternoon reading close to the swimming pool. 

And that is all fellas. Pick whatever you want!*

All-Star Western #22 [+]
Aquaman #22 [+]
Arrow #9 [+]
Batman Superman #2 [+]
Batman The Dark Knight #22 [+]
Catwoman #22 [+]
Constantine #5 [+]
Flash #22 [+]
Green Team Teen Trillionaires #3 [+]
Justice League Dark #22 [+]
Larfleeze #2 [+]
Red Hood And The Outlaws #22 [+]
Superman #22 [+]
Talon #10 [+]
Teen Titans #22 [+]
Unwritten #51 [+]

Captain America #9 [+]
Gambit #15 [+]
Hawkeye Annual #1 [+]
Hunger #1 (Of 4) [+]
Journey Into Mystery #654 [+]
Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man #16 [+]
New Avengers #8 [+]
Scarlet Spider #19 [+]
Superior Spider-Man #14 [+]
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #1 [+]
Ultimate Comics X-Men #29 [+]
Uncanny Avengers #10 [+]
What If AvX #3 (Of 4) [+]
Wolverine #7 [+]
Wolverine And The X-Men #33 [+]
Young Avengers #8 [+]

Bounce #3 [+]
Clone #9 [+]
Dream Merchant #3 (Of 6) [+]
Lazarus #2 [+]
Mice Templar IV Legend #5 [+]
Witchblade #168 [+]

*Los comics están en inglés.
**Los enlaces son enlaces Magnet para torrent. Si tienes un cliente Torrent como bitTorrent, uTorrent o Transmission (entre muchos otros) simplemente clickalos y el programa los abrirá directamente.
*** Los titulos en rojo son aquellos que no he podido encontrar, trataré de encontrar enlaces disponibles lo antes posible. Yo no subo los comics, están en el torrent y son indexados por diversos trackers, yo solo los recopilo.
**** Si te gustan estos cómics, ¡Cómpralos!
***** Agradecer no cuesta nada, pincha en +1, comparte en tu red social favorita o deja un comentario. ¡Gracias!

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