miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013

USA's Wednesday Comics: 31/07/2013

Hi people! I almost forget that THIS was the last week of July's comics not the previous one as I said. We have some new issues hitting the shelves so let's get started!

In DC we have a genuinely new release, a new title for the walking-dead Vertigo, the new of the series is Collider and is written by Simon Oliver and drawn by Robbi Rodriguez, the series start with a quite interesting premise, the laws of physics are not applying anymore! What is happening? The Federal Bureau of Physics is in charge to find out! In the rest of titles can be highlighted the astonishing (well quite impressive) number of annuals, and the end of Batman Incorporated, Good bye Mr Morrison! and a brand new Tom Strong mini series. Make your choice.

Marvel also have a great deal of a release, Kick Ass 3 Mark Millar and Romita strike again (oh god, why?) in the only series that seems that is getting profits to Millarworld, you know what it is, is your choice to read it. Also there is a strange Wolverine (I suspect) mini-series about Wolverine and cooking, nothing to seay about it, maybe its funny maybe is the worst you can read on Marvel, please gentlemen make your bets! Be sure of not missing X-Men by Wood and the great but forgotten X-Men Legacy by Simon Spurrier, these are the good shit.

In Image we have not very much to say about anything only a few titles are dispatched this week, Sex keeps being great, read it. 

And thats all!! You know the rest!* (Yep, it is summer and I am being lazy :)) Enjoy!

Adventures Of Superman #3 [+]
Animal Man Annual #2 [+]
Batman Annual #2 [+]
Batman Incorporated #13 [+]
Collider #1 [+]
Detective Comics Annual #2 [+]
Flash Annual #2 [+]
Red Lanterns #22 [+]
Superboy #22 [+]
Superman Annual #2 [+]
Tom Strong And The Planet Of Peril #1 (Of 6) [+]
Trinity Of Sin Pandora #2 [+]
Wake #3 (Of 10)  [+]

Black Bolt Something Inhuman This Way Comes #1 [+]
Captain Marvel #14 [+]
Daredevil #29 [+]
Fearless Defenders #7 [+]
FF #10 [+]
Guardians Of The Galaxy #5 [+]
Indestructible Hulk #11 [+]
Kick-Ass 3 #1 (Of 8) [+]
Ultimate Comics The Ultimates #28 [+]
Uncanny X-Force #9 [+]
Uncanny X-Men #9 [+]
Venom #38 [+]
What If AvX #4 (Of 4) [+]
Wolverine In The Flesh #1 [+]
X-Men #3 [+]
X-Men Legacy #14 [+]

Bedlam #8 [+]
Five Ghosts The Haunting Of Fabian Gray #5 (Of 5) [+]
It Girl And The Atomics #12 [+]
Morning Glories #29 [+]
Sex #5 [+]
Youngblood #78 [+]

*Los comics están en inglés.
**Los enlaces son enlaces Magnet para torrent. Si tienes un cliente Torrent como bitTorrent, uTorrent o Transmission (entre muchos otros) simplemente clickalos y el programa los abrirá directamente.
*** Los titulos en rojo son aquellos que no he podido encontrar, trataré de encontrar enlaces disponibles lo antes posible. Yo no subo los comics, están en el torrent y son indexados por diversos trackers, yo solo los recopilo.
**** Si te gustan estos cómics, ¡Cómpralos!
***** Agradecer no cuesta nada, pincha en +1, comparte en tu red social favorita o deja un comentario. ¡Gracias!

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